Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jersey Fresh 2011 street art wall

BOB, El Toro, Decoy, Peter K, Veng, Nose Go, Chris RWK, LUV1, Lank, Nebsi, Mama Cass

Friday, August 19, 2011

Jersey Fresh Jam

Tomorrow is the Jersey Fresh Jam! Tonight is a found object art show @ TerraCycle in conjuction with the event. If you're in the area, come out! If you don't know what I am talking about visit to learn up. Here are some images from all the past jams I had a hand in...

2007, come a long way since then.  all rusto, all stock
luv then
2008 in the rain.  all American Accent, all stock.
luv1 prisco kasso ms. bles
2008 as well with KASSO on the main wall
luv1 and ras
2009 in the rain, most came the day after, I had to work, so this is what I got in with RAS.  from sketches done with my kid.
2010 SAGE section on the main wall

2011, first time I am not bringing any referances or sketches to work off of.  Just going to fit in with some abstract weavings on the first ever "Street Art" wall with the likes of Chris RWK, Nose GO, Lank SAGE, and many others.  Sat. Aug 20th, 2011, 11am-dusk, 121 New York Ave, Trenton, NJ!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Adam and Eve

adam and eve stitch by eL hue V
adam and eve stitch, a photo by eL hue V on Flickr.
Kasso and myself had a great time painting at the lovely home of Andrea Yitkin.  We painted an old barn surounded by Andrea's sculptures, statues, flowers, newly refurbished by her husband Tom.  Right next to a goat, rooster and some chicken we were a long way from the usual urban elements.  The theme of the wall was a Garden of Eden scene, it all came together seamlessly.  Here's a video featuring the many sights of the weekend.

snake in a tree

adam and eve wide

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Fuxwid by eL hue V
Fuxwid, a photo by eL hue V on Flickr.

4ftx5ft canvas - spray paint, acrylic 8/2011
here's a few detail shots
Fuxwid detail

Fuxwid detail

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


FrontGrill by eL hue V
FrontGrill, a photo by eL hue V on Flickr.
workin' on some found object art for the show at TerraCycle the night before the Jersey Fresh Jam