Sunday, July 14, 2013

My Goodness

DJ Booth at My Goodness by eL hue V
The opening for "My Goodness" a solo show by me, LUV1, at 219 Gallery in Trenton, NJ has come and gone but the show will be up until Aug 3rd so there's still plenty of time to go check it out and enjoy the greenery next door at the Ghandi Garden.  The rained slowed nothing down on Friday besides me and my wife on Rt 1.  There was a great turnout and good amount of things sold.  Many thanks to everyone who came out, especially those from far away places like Brooklyn, Elizabeth and Philly.  A huge thank you to my S.A.G.E. Coalition family for making it all happen.  Enjoy the pictures!

(uptop) the DJ booth before the opening
(below) the installation before tree branches and paintings were added
my goodness

#painting #mygoodness #luv1 #trenton #artshow #219gallery

#mygoodness #trenton #artshow #219gallery

#mygoodness #trenton #artshow #luvdgoods

DJ Itsjustahmad keeping the vibes a flow #mygoodness #219gallery #trenton #artshow #luv1 #njgraff #njallday

#mygoodness #trenton #219gallery #luv1

#mygoodness #luv1 #art #artshow #trenton #219gallery

#mygoodness #trenton #artshow #219gallery #luv1 #luvdgoods #recycled #assemblage #sculpture

Just a few #recycled #upcycled #spraypaint #deadcans #sculpture #luvdgoods #luv1 #trenton #artshow #219gallery #mygoodness

#abstract #graffiti #luv1 #knotwerk #painting #artshow #trenton #mygoodness #219gallery #canvas

Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Goodness

Got an opening this Friday to my solo show at Gallery 219, 219 East Hanover Street, Trenton, NJ. Come out!