Saturday, May 29, 2010

daycare garden angel wall

daycare garden angel wall, originally uploaded by el U Vee 1.

painted my wife when she was a little tyke with a bunny, some lady bugs, catipilar, and dragon flies at a daycare in Trenton with Kasso. Great wall! Many thanks to Andrea for taking care of us in the heat with water n food n such n for the opportunity. they kept taking the classes of kids out to watch us do it, they were so rediculously adorable about it. Hoping to get a flick of some of them in front of it once the garden grows in...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

UV show in the works

uv teaser, originally uploaded by el U Vee 1.

yesterday SAGE and Albus Cavus got our flowessence on!

spent the day workin on the blacklight show with Rain, Kasso, Lank, Uhm, Mike Ciccotello, Aja, Jim Hancock, JOSL, and Kamel. it's going to be a dope show! everyone really brought out the talent. blacklight art, dj's, drinks, painted models, come out to Artworks in Trenton June 4th.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Spring Jam 2k10

Spring Jam 2k10, originally uploaded by el U Vee 1.

LUV, LANK and DELVE. check the flickr (follow the link when u click the flick) and see some other pictures. was a difficult stitch this one, we were under the stairs and in a corner. prime spot to be seen, bad spot to flick. some of the close ups provide better accuracy on details. fun day! good times! bob friggin ross, big ups to LANK for the 6 ft stencil and trees throughout, and to Delve for coming funky and crispy like you knew he would!

spring jam at the riverwalk

DSC_0484, originally uploaded by Shut Eye Shutter.

flick of me from Ulysseus Florez (sorry, if i screwed up the spellin). joiner flick and my own prgress shots coming soon. thanks to albus cavus n all the other volunteers who helped make it an awesome day for the whole community! SAGE most definately represented.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Graffiti Heaven

Graffiti Heaven, originally uploaded by el U Vee 1.

SAGE/VS collabo on a hot sunny sunday @ terracycle. "Graffiti" by Rain, left charecter by Kasso, right by me, angels above them by Lank, Delve with the dead center designage and other elements around and "Heaven" by Demer. The SAGE/VS up top by Rain as well. was so friggin hot it was hard to produce, but everyone still brought it. Finished the video before my sun burn turned into a tan even. check it! share it!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

NJTL Fundraiser

Last night had a blast with my wifey, Kasso, and his girl at the NJTL Fundraiser at the Westin in Princeton. Open bar was in full effect! as was big ticket catering and all that. Our mural was on everything! Thanks to Rob from NJTL for giving us the opportunity to help out. Got to meet the kid I painted, Zahir, and flick him in front of his portrait. Even got puzzles of mural to give to my kiddo. It's going to be an annual thing, so look forward to more projects with the tennis folks.